Waist Bead Rules

Measuring Waist:
Using a measuring tape, measure waist against skin, not on top of your clothes, unless you plan to wear your strands on top of your clothing. Do not suck in or poke out stomach. Wrap snugly but not tight. There should be enough room to fit at least two fingers between your body and the measuring tape.

Tie-On instructions:
1. Place bead strand where you want it to lay.
2. Let extra beads fall to the ends of the strand.
3. Tie 4 to 5 knots to secure. (more if you'd like)
4. Cut off excess strand and beads. You can burn or add glue here, if you would like. 
Excess can be used for an ankle bracelet.

Care Instructions:
Please treat your beads with care.
Be mindful when dressing and undressing: beads up, pants down!
Some beads may discolor overtime with wear and exposure to water.
Please refrain from overexposing your beads to water.
Do not overstretch your beads, they can pop.
Do Not tie too tight to  body. Allow for wiggle room when tying your waist beads.